Oct 24, 2020 6:18:53 AM

How to split Syncrify profile

I have a backup profile in Syncrify client that has grown very large over the years. I would like to split the folders into separate profiles for being able to schedule them independently.

Is it possible to split the profile without having to start from scratch and seed the backup again?

Synametrics support engineer
Oct 24, 2020 9:59:37 AM

How to split Syncrify profile

There are a few steps that you will have to take manually. Let's assume your existing profile has following settings:

  • Profile name: BigProfile
  • A top-level folder in Syncrify: C:\ABigFolder
  • C:\ABigFolder has 3 sub-folder
    • C:\ABigFolder\SmallOne
    • C:\ABigFolder\SmallTwo
    • C:\ABigFolder\SmallThree

Your goal is to create 3 profiles, each with one top-level folder refer to C:\ABigFolder\SmallXXX.

Changes on Client

  • Create a new profile called SmallOne
  • Add C:\ABigFolder\SmallOne as the top-level folder
  • Run a backup and abort it as soon as it starts copying files. This is done so it will create necessary directory structure on the server's end
  • Repeat this process for other two profiles
  • Disable the scheduling for BigProfile

Changes on Server

  • Move the files stored for BigProfile to SmallOne in to the folder that was created by the test run

Once files are moved, run the File-Diff report. See for details.

Oct 25, 2020 2:35:08 AM

How to split Syncrify profile

Thank you for the instructions. It worked nicely!


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