Running Scripts From a Command Line

Scripting allow users to write special functions in a plain text file and pass the name of this file as a command line argument to WinSQL. WinSQL runs these functions in a sequential order.

The following rules apply when using a script file:

·The file extension of a script file must be one of the two values:

.wxf, (MyScriptFile.wxf )

.winsqlscript (MyScriptFile.winsqlscript )

·Lines starting with two dashes are considered comments and are ignored at run time.

·Empty lines are ignored.

·Function names are case-sensitive and must include open and close parenthesis, even if parameters are not required. 

·Parameters must be enclosed in double quote characters.

To run the simply pass the file name containing a script as a command line argument to WinSQL, for example:

winsql MyScriptFile.wxf